GODS - it's a story of enlightenment and cognition; art in its purest form which
manifests itself in everything: interior, dishes, cocktails.

In the interior, you can observe the totality of different eras of art: the Middle Ages, the beauty of the Renaissance, the mythology of Ancient Greece, contemporary art in collaboration with antique statues and engravings.

The sculpture of Venus de Milo, Michelangelo's «hands», engravings by Gustave Dore, Heinrich Aldegrever's Hercules, fittings from Fitzgerald's books - Stealing beauty in everything!

Media about GODS
In March, for example, The Gods started working (if restaurants competed for a prettier Instagram account, Rada Bagelfer's project would have won a crushing victory).
GODS - новый необычный ресторан на Рубинштейна
Restaurant Gods' menu is built, as the authors explain, "on the idea of
researching taste
The gastronomic idea of Gods is in a combination of different tastes and
national cuisines, the rethinking of classic recipes, and emphasis to serving
GODS - it's a story of enlightenment and cognition; art in its purest form which
manifests itself in everything: interior, dishes, cocktails. The owner and
ideological mastermind of the GODS project Rada Bagelfer assures that despite
the name the project has nothing in common with the religion
Specialty restaurant on Rubinstein street. Biblical and antique themes can be
found in the interior of four Gods rooms: one of the walls is decorated with a
fresco depicting the Madonna
Book a table
Opening hours
Mon-Thu, Sun: 14:00-01:00
Fri-Sat: 14:00-03:00

Connect with us

Russia, Saint Petersburg, Rubinshteyna street, 16